The Consortium have developed five courses about the new legislation. The recordings of the presentations can be viewed by following the relevant link below.

Course 1: Foundation course. This session sets the scene for the later session, by providing an introduction to the principles of equality and diversity.

The Ordinance is only covered briefly as more detail is included in course 2. The course for everyone to make them aware of the new legislation.

Course 2: An Introduction to the new Ordinance. This session provides more information about the Discrimination Ordinance and is directed at employers, employees, managers, service providers and service users.

It covers existing legislation, new protected grounds, explanation of different types of discrimination and prohibited conduct, who the law applies to, the procedure for bringing claims, remedies and general exceptions.

Course 3: Employers responsibilities. This session gives an overview of the legislation for employers and explanation of their responsibilities.

It includes a definition of employers, who is protected in the context of work, explains the obligations of employers, including equal and equal treatment, how to avoid discrimination in recruitment, discrimination issues that might arise and what employers need to consider.

Course 4: Service providers responsibilities. This session explains what we mean by a service provider and gives an over view of their responsibilities.

It covers the application of the Ordinance outside the work context, definitions of different service providers and their responsibilities, types of discrimination and prohibited conduct, with relevant examples and the exceptions that apply to each type of provider.

Course 5: Accessibility and reasonable adjustments. Employers and service providers will have a duty to provide reasonable adjustments for employees and service users. Public sector service providers and educations providers must produce action plans and an accessibility audit may assist with this duty. 

The session explains what the reasonable adjustment duty is, examples of adjustments, the anticipatory duty and additional duties for accommodation providers. It also explains what an access action plan is and  how to prepare one.

For further information about the Consortium and the services they offer, you can access their website here