When an individual has a complaint about their employer, which has not been resolved through the employers processes, early resolution of any complaint is encouraged through the Employment and Equal Opportunities Service (EEOS) and a pre-complaint conciliation process.
Before anyone makes a complaint to the Employment & Discrimination Tribunal (Tribunal), they are required to first notify the Employment and Equal Opportunities Service (EEOS) of their intended complaint.
This process can be started by completing the form below:
Service Provision
When wishing to complain about provision of services, education, accommodation or clubs and associations, an individual will, in most cases, have to inform the provider / organisation of any complaints in writing (within six weeks) and give them a month to resolve the issue, before they can proceed with making a formal, legal complaint.
When parties are unable to resolve the issues between themselves, early resolution of any complaint is encouraged through the Employment and Equal Opportunities Service (EEOS).
This process can be started by completing the form below: